9 Days in Raqqa
Leila Mustapha is Kurdish and Syrian. Her fight is Raqqa, the former capital of the Islamic state of three hundred thousand inhabitants, reduced to a field of ruin after the war. An engineer by training, mayor at just 30 years old, immersed in a human world, her mission is to rebuild her city, to reconcile, and to establish democracy there.
Leila Mustapha is Kurdish and Syrian. Her fight is Raqqa, the former capital of the Islamic state of three hundred thousand inhabitants, reduced to a field of ruin after the war. An engineer by training, mayor at just 30 years old, immersed in a human world, her mission is to rebuild her city, to reconcile, and to establish democracy there.
An extraordinary mission. A French writer crosses Iraq and Syria to meet her. In this still dangerous city, she has 9 days to live with Leila and tell her story in a book.
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