Baadshaho is inspired by real-life events during the Emergency and revolves around stolen gold, a thief (Ajay Devgn), an army officer (Vidyut Jammwal), a character inspired by Maharani Gayatri Devi. Maharani Gitanjali Devi (Ileana D'Cruz) from one of the Rajasthan's Princely States has already lost her privy purse.
Baadshaho is inspired by real-life events during the Emergency and revolves around stolen gold, a thief (Ajay Devgn), an army officer (Vidyut Jammwal), a character inspired by Maharani Gayatri Devi. Maharani Gitanjali Devi (Ileana D'Cruz) from one of the Rajasthan's Princely States has already lost her privy purse.
The story revolves around a group of thugs who decide to loot the gold confiscated from Rani Gitanjali, and being transported to Delhi by road.
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