In the quiet seaside town of Mendocino, California, people are having their faces eaten off by horseshoe crabs that were irradiated by the collapse of a nuclear plant. They're utterly unaware to this until Philip and Radu, a foreign exchange student, are confronted by these crabs. Radu, Maddy, Annalise, Philip and his brother Hunter have to stop smoking weed and getting drunk.
In the quiet seaside town of Mendocino, California, people are having their faces eaten off by horseshoe crabs that were irradiated by the collapse of a nuclear plant. They're utterly unaware to this until Philip and Radu, a foreign exchange student, are confronted by these crabs. Radu, Maddy, Annalise, Philip and his brother Hunter have to stop smoking weed and getting drunk.
They need to find a solution.
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