Deadtime Stories
"Deadtime Stories" was a 1986 USA horror comedy anthology movie co-written and directed by Jeffery Delman. It tells the tale of a babysitter - Uncle Mike (played by Michael Mesmer) who tells his nephew three scary stories. The first story is about a slave used by two witches, who are attempting to resurrect their sister.
"Deadtime Stories" was a 1986 USA horror comedy anthology movie co-written and directed by Jeffery Delman. It tells the tale of a babysitter - Uncle Mike (played by Michael Mesmer) who tells his nephew three scary stories. The first story is about a slave used by two witches, who are attempting to resurrect their sister.
The second story is based on "Little Red Riding Hood", where a teenage girl mistakenly picks up a werewolf's medicine for her grandmother. The third story, based on "Goldilocks", tells about three escaped mental patients who share their hideaway with a murderess.
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