Fritz the Cat
In the 1960s, fed up with monotonous college life and police repression, free-spirited Fritz, an impenitent seducer and unrestrained party-animal, decides to explore the world. And just like that, as he flees New York City, heading to San Francisco, Fritz embarks on an endless adventure of illumination.
In the 1960s, fed up with monotonous college life and police repression, free-spirited Fritz, an impenitent seducer and unrestrained party-animal, decides to explore the world. And just like that, as he flees New York City, heading to San Francisco, Fritz embarks on an endless adventure of illumination.
Immersed in a world surrounded by drugs and sex, Fritz takes part in mad orgies, brings about a revolution, incites mass urban riots, and crosses paths with drug-addled Nazi bikers. Will Fritz ever find what he's looking for?
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