Nowhere Boy
The story of John Lennon's (Aaron Taylor-Johnson) childhood and teenage years from 1944 to 1960, his relationship with his Aunt Mimi (Dame Kristin Scott Thomas) and his mother Julia (Anne-Marie Duff) - the two dominant women in the first part of his life; his first meeting with Sir Paul McCartney (T
The story of John Lennon's (Aaron Taylor-Johnson) childhood and teenage years from 1944 to 1960, his relationship with his Aunt Mimi (Dame Kristin Scott Thomas) and his mother Julia (Anne-Marie Duff) - the two dominant women in the first part of his life; his first meeting with Sir Paul McCartney (T
homas Brodie-Sangster) and George Harrison (Sam Bell), their friendship, their love for music, and the birth of The Beatles.
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