In 2084, mankind is close to total annihilation by alien invaders. Milly, a young woman from the Earth resistance, uses a time machine and returns to October, 2002, trying to prevent the start of the alien invasion and the war. Upon her arrival in a ship, she is rescued and saved from the Yakuza evil boss Mizoguchi by a hit-man called Miyamoto.
In 2084, mankind is close to total annihilation by alien invaders. Milly, a young woman from the Earth resistance, uses a time machine and returns to October, 2002, trying to prevent the start of the alien invasion and the war. Upon her arrival in a ship, she is rescued and saved from the Yakuza evil boss Mizoguchi by a hit-man called Miyamoto.
Using unconventional methods, Milly forces Miyamoto to help her save the human race.
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