Tora-san's Runaway
Tora-San, an eccentric and resourceful tramp, is always cheerful. Although he is an orphan, he decides to go back home after a long absence. He thus sees again his sister Sakura Suwa, who has bloomed into a pretty young lady. After a while, Tora-San agrees to go with her to an interview with the family of one of her suitors.
Tora-San, an eccentric and resourceful tramp, is always cheerful. Although he is an orphan, he decides to go back home after a long absence. He thus sees again his sister Sakura Suwa, who has bloomed into a pretty young lady. After a while, Tora-San agrees to go with her to an interview with the family of one of her suitors.
But that is without counting Tora-San's terrible clumsiness. His cheeky humor, for instance, is not fully appreciated by the family. The wedding is canceled and Tora-San takes the road again.
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