Buck Privates Come Home (1947) poster

Buck Privates Come Home (1947)

1h 01 min

See full cast & crew


In this sequel to 'Buck Privates', after serving in Europe during World War II, Herbie Brown (Lou Costello) and Slicker Smith (Bud Abbott) return to the United States aboard a troop ship. Also on board is their old boot camp sergeant, Collins (Nat Pendleton). As the ship nears New York, Collins and his superiors search the men's belongings for contraband. A six-year old French orphan, Evey (Beverly Simmons), whom Herbie and Slicker befriended in France, is found in Herbie's duffle bag. She is handed over to Lieutenant Sylvia Hunter (Joan Fulton) who delivers her to immigration officials in New York. However, during a shift change at the office, Evey is mistaken for a neighborhood kid and set free.Meanwhile, Herbie and Slicker are back to their pre-war occupation of peddling ties in Times Square. Collins is back at his old job as well, as a police officer assigned to the same beat. He is about to arrest the boys when Evey shows up and helps them escape.Herbie and Slicker attempt to adopt Evey, but are told that one of them must be married and have a steady income. Evey suggests that Herbie marry Sylvia. They show up at her apartment, but learn that Sylvia already has a boyfriend, Bill Gregory (Tom Brown).At one point, Herbie and Slicker purchase what seems to be an ideal home for