The Trap (1946) poster

The Trap (1946)

Sorry, no trailer
1h 01 min

See full cast & crew

A station wagon is stopped by a motorcycle patrolman, the officer explaining to the driver, named Rick Daniels, he was driving too fast. There are two women in the middle seat, a man, Mr. Cole King, and another woman in the front seat. Daniels says he will slow down, they are headed for the Rutherford mansion, on the beach. Sergeant Reynolds says the place cannot be missed, but take it slower.The wagon pulls up to the beach-side mansion in Malibu, they all exit the car, at the front door is Mrs. Weebles, the Rutherford caretaker, who escorts them inside. The wardrobe mistress of the company, Mrs. Thorn, introduces herself to Mrs. Weebles. There were six women total in the vehicle, five head up the stairs to their rooms, where Mrs. Weebles says their bags have been placed. The girls have their petty disagreements while unpacking, meantime, downstairs, Mrs. Weebles' nature is prudish, cloth covers are removed from the furniture, as a request for dusting is promised. The place is untidy and hardly suitable for the arriving guests.Adelaide argues with Marcia in her room, once the women have exited. Marcia asks Adelaide, what if the Maestro were to find out Doc Brandt is your husband. Adelaide threatens Marcia, gesturing a hand-forefinger across the throat,